Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week 5

students around a table working on an art project
What an interesting website from Goochland County, Va. Schools! You can choose any of the teacher’s blogs to visit. This is a blog designed for students and parents by an Art teacher. The teacher has assignments and reminders posted on this blog. She also has the supply list of things needed for the class, and the syllabus for reference. Parents are encouraged to email the teacher with any questions or concerns they may have. It is a wonderful tool for students and parents.

This blog is by an English/Lit teacher from Pell City School. She has designed the blog for students to comment on the different stories and poems that they have read for class. This is a great for students who don’t really understand the meaning of what they have read. If they read the comments that other students have written, they may be better able to understand the meaning of the reading.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Assignment Week 4

By watching "thefischbowl" video, I have realized how important it is to be educated in the computer world. The world as a whole has become so computer oriented that if you do not have some sort of knowledge in this area, you may feel like you are from another planet. Communicating through messages from your computer or cell phone is becoming more popular than actually picking up the telephone to call someone to say hello. This is the "new" way of communicating.

The graphs that were shown of how rapidly "my space" and "you tube" had grown over the past years was shocking. That shows just how many people are using this type of technology for communicating. The use of cell phones showed a rapid growth in their use as well. This video encouraged me to put my best foot forward to learn all that I can about today's technology.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 3 Assignment ACCESS

ACCESS, Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students Statewide, is designed to help students take advanced placement or elective courses that they otherwise would not be offered. ACCESS is a way of teaching classes across the state. It is designed to motivate and encourage students with its availability and intent.
The website for ACCESS is available to students, educators, and parents. There are links and videos that can help with specific areas of interest. Many schools in the state of Alabama have already been using ACCESS and I feel that the number will greatly increase.
With students having access to this type of technology, students should be better able to prepare themselves for college. The program also allows for dual enrollment for students who want to get a jump start on their college courses. This is just one more advancement that the state has developed to help today's students with their education.