Monday, August 18, 2008

Who I Am

Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here are a few things you may find interesting about me:

I am in the Secondary Education program at USA. This is my first semester here. I am majoring in Mathematics. My first day has been hectic, but I know it will get better.

I am 34 years old, married, and have 2 children. I live in Uriah, Al, a small town in south Monroe County. My husband is the new principal at J. U. Blacksher High School in Uriah, Al. My daughter, Ashley, is 14 and is very athletic. She plays basketball and softball. My son, Brandon, is 10 and also enjoys sports. He plays football and baseball. So, I spend alot of time at sports events needless to say.

Spending time with my family is one of the things I enjoy the most. This night class is a new experience for us. I have always been able to be at home at night with my children and husband so this is going to take some getting used to. At least it is only one night a week.

A new found hobby for me is taking care of all of our animals. We have 3 dogs, 2 rabbits, 2 turkeys, 7 ducks and about 50 chickens. At first, I wasn't thrilled about all of the chickens, but I have come around and have enjoyed them very much. It is pretty comical to sit and watch all of the animals and the way they will react and interact with you.


Jilli said...

Kathy I have always wanted to live on a farm!!

Justin said...

50 CHICKENS!!! lol when i was a younger my dad bought me and my brother each a chicken that we kept out in the garage under a heat lamp haha...mine turned out to be the rooster so we had to get rid of it when it started cock a doodle doing :)

edm310 fall2008 said...

Night classes are knew to me as well. I also have two children and it's not easy taking a night class.

Candace said...

i love animals i used to have a maltese, and i hope to get another one soon! but i couldnt imagine living with 50 chickens, but i guess you get fresh eggs every morning!

DualahBlog said...

our kids are about the same ages apart...boy and girl...I can't believe all of those are so brave!

Tonya said...

Tell me some fun things to do in Monroe County.